We are a US corporation, established in the state of Florida. We have our offices in the United States, Florida, Weston and Fort Lauderdale. In Italy, to make us known, we are entrusted with the great experience and professionalism of a well-known marketing company.
The network of Italian professionals who collaborate as business and / or signaling businessmen is widely distributed across the country so that we can make known how much we offer as many people as possible.
We do not have monomandatari agents or simply work exclusively for us in Italy. The marketing company has only the function of explaining what our Company does, how it works and what it can do for you. If you wish, you will be able to see both the form and the documentation, solely for the purpose of advertising our products. If you want to move forward, having found interesting how it is illustrated, the marketing company’s business dealers will contact you, and if we reach a satisfactory agreement, this will only affect the company you will open in the United States with the our help and our society.
Of course, we will provide you with all the assistance you need to start the procedures for opening your position, and once you have opened your US company and purchased your homes, we will try to make it easier for you to connect with your overseas professionals.
As is logical, both sales contracts and transactions will take place in Florida, as the goods we are going to deal with are in the United States.