Founded by investors for investors in real estate field, J.A.G. provides technical, strategic and managerial consulting aboout investment opportunities, providing services for privates, professionals and companies: it is a rich and global advice on the international real estate market.
Through the careful selection of financial opportunities, J.A.G. Looking for excellence in investment offering solutions for capital revaluation, annual capital increase or personal planning.
Besides Jag, studies and creates sophisticated investment plans and real estate transactions, in collaboration with estate development and investment ledaer companies in the United States, providing all the collateral services in terms of tax planning, company formation and financial consulting .
J.A.G. is a leader in consulting and offering customer services on acquisitions, sales and strategies, thanks to its extensive knowledge of the US real estate market.

Operations in Progress
Flipping Investment
Cash Flow Investment
Completed Operations

Our Services
- Selection of the best properties offered from the current market in terms of areas of interest.
- Key points: comparison of value and estimation of congruity; Services offered in the area of interest (schools, universities, parks, medias); security area; CMA (Comparative Market Analysis).
- Professional diligence: checks on building abuses, violations of building codes, general legal issues, weights, constraints, mortgages and debts, occult defects, abusive occupations.
- Analysis, evaluation and estimation of qualitative investment.
- Control and estimate of the qualitative markets performances.
- Complete addictionals services: real estate management and tenancy services (ordinary maintenance, selection of tenants to rent with relevants contracts, checking the punctuale payment of ea:ch month by tenants, management of ordinary complaints, urgency reporting).
- Full professional assistance in legal, fiscal and corporate matters.
Invest in Safe

The J.A.G. Real Estate Investment subdivides 3 categories of investor:
- Aggressive investor: seeking investment with a high rate of economic return but with potential risks…

- The US real estate market is in itself an extremely dynamic market
- It is still recover phase from the previous subprime mortgage crisis…

J.A.G. Real Estate Investment follows the philosophy of the most influential investor Warren Buffet, “To make a real estate investment decision, two essential factors are be considered…

Getting an income has never been as difficult as it is today. The yields on traditional bonds called refuge, such as the treasury bills of strong economies, including the United States…
Contact Us
Fill, without obligation, the form below, you will be contacted by our staff will give you all sorts of information by offering a convenient consultancy, from the start of negotiations until the eventual purchase of the property.